Webmaster posted on January 09, 2025 12:12
Ssteps on how to create a Google QR Code for customer reviews.
- Step 1: Go to the Google Place Finder Tool and look up your business in the search box. You can do that here.
- Step 2: Copy your businesses “Place ID” from the maps tooltip.
- Step 3: Modify the following Reviews URL and past in your “Place ID”: https://search.google.com/local/writereview?placeid=PUT ID HERE
- Step 4: Select a QR code generator you like. A free QR code generator you can use is here (QR Code Maker).
- Step 5: Copy and paste your new Reviews URL into your QR code website and download your QR code.
- Step 6: Print and use your QR code to start getting reviews!
Hope this helps!
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