Microsoft SQL Server


Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. As a database server, it is a software product with the primary function of storing and retrieving data as requested by other software applications—which may run either on the same computer or on another computer across a network.

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Oracle: "Provider=MSDAORA; Data Source=ORACLE8i7;Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=yes" Microsoft Access: "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB...

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Connection Strings, SQL, Oracle, Microsoft Access, MySQL, IBM AS/400
Here's a great sql script to use for the DotNetNuke Reports Module: Select --   AU.Username,    U.FirstName,   ...

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When running a named instance of MS SQL the instance will run on a port other than the usual port 1433. To determine the port you can use th...

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INSERT [dbo].[Farming] ( [First Name] [Last Name] Title [Mailing Address] [Mailing City] [Mailing Province/State] [Mailing Postal/ZIP] We...

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This topic explains how to create a new database from an existing full database backup. Security Note ...

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Add the helper SPLIT function to your database CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Split ( @List nvarchar(2000), @SplitOn nvarchar(5) )  RETURNS @RtnVal...

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  PROCEDURE GIBS_SEO_Content nvarchar(50) = null   AS BEGIN if (len(@city)=0) begin set @city=null end   SET NOCOUNT ...

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