Knowledge Base


Clear all page level skins in a Portal update {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Tabs set skinsrc=null where SkinSrc is not null and PortalID=0 ...

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Posted in: DNN, SQL Scripts
Great site for generating QR Codes . . .  QRCode Monkey - The free QR Code Generator to create custom QR Codes with Logo (

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Posted in: Technology
Tested QualityLevel at 90 then 100; image quality results same, but with larger file size than QualityLevel 80. QualityLevel 90 reduced file size to 1...

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C#, jpg
<div class="ticker-wrap"> <div class="ticker-heading">Fort Lauderdale</div> <div class="ticker"&g...

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Optional Telerik Removal Steps
Noteworthy Changes in v9.8.0+ - Optional Telerik Removal The major highlight for this release is that we removed all our dependencies on the Teleri...

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Posted in: DNN
CREATE FUNCTION GIBS_GetProfileElement ( @userID as int, @portalID as int, @ProfilePropertyName as nvarchar(100) ) RETURNS nvarchar(4000) AS B...

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After the last Windows 10 update (1803), our five Windows 10 Pro computers which are in a WORKGROUP local network (no domain) keep loosing their conne...

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Windows 10, mapped drive
Declare @todays_date Date set @todays_date = CAST(SYSDATETIMEOFFSET() AT TIME ZONE 'Eastern Standard Time' AS date) For example, if you wa...

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Azure SQL GetDate()
You can use NotificationsController.Instance.SendNotification method to send notifications. Here is an example:   public void ...

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DNN, Notification Controller
Fix for Blob Storage Task failing due to: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.StorageException,Message=The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Re...

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TLS 1.2, Azure Blob Storage Task
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